
Ozea is a sensor agnostic, modular, holistic and physics-based monitoring solution for floating wind turbines in floating wind farms.

Learn about how Ozea supports your project

Reduced Costs

We reduce costs by minimizing conventional inspection for large-scale floating wind farms. 

We reduce costs by requiring only a small number of highly instrumented floating wind turbines and leveraging knowledge within the wind farm.

We reduce costs by predicting failures and continuously monitoring loads, limit states and integrity of the whole asset.

We reduce costs by providing prediction on accessibility and workability on the asset using our digital twin model.

Reduced Risk

We reduce risk from highly optimised designs, reduced levels of redundancy and design conservatism compared to conventional (oil and gas) floating installations. 

We reduce risk due to lack of the long-term health status of the various components of floating offshore wind turbines (e.g. mooring, cable, structure), which is particularly critical for a nascent industry.

We reduce risk through the use of physics-based model which enables a real-time monitoring on the measured time series instead of statistics.

Our Monitoring Approach – What is Ozea?

A risk management and decision support software for floating wind condition and integrity monitoring

  • Moorings, cables, floater / hull, tower structural member integrity
  • Live assessments based on AMOG & sowento’s expert engineering analysis methods which output actionable health indicators via a variety of methods

Developed through the experience from our world-leading analysis and monitoring tools:

  • sowento’s real-time modeling tool, SLOW (Streamlined advanced and low order wind turbine model)
  • AMOG’s integrity monitoring software, SMIC (Smart Mooring Integrity Checker)

Designed in consideration of commercial scale integrity management strategies with minimal instrumentation

The Solution


Combining optimised instrumentation and available data.


Verified real-time simulation models and machine learning for dynamic load reconstruction and condition assessments.​


Always-on telemetry and cloud storage with user-friendly UI and automated reporting system.


Indicators for predictive maintenance, risk-based inspections​ and accessibility of the platform.

The Advantages

Our monitoring solution is backed by expert domain knowledge in floating wind and mooring, cable and structural integrity.

Our offering fits well into the development lifecycle of any floating wind demonstration or commercial projects.

Extensive Expertise

Benefit from AMOG and sowento’s proven track record in mooring, cable, structural, and control systems, covering the full pipeline from integrity management to event response protocols.

Cost-effective Monitoring

Industry-leading remote mooring integrity monitoring using dry sensors that meet Class Society and Regulator requirements, offering a scalable and modular solution.

Flexible and Scalable

Choose from modular monitoring solutions for moorings, cables, towers, and platforms, with retrofit options and the ability to extend for operational planning, design validation, and forecasting.

Real-time Precision

Leverage a physics-based digital twin for real-time monitoring, adaptable to poor data streams, reducing false positives and minimizing sensitivity to design changes.

More of our services


Integrity Management & Monitoring Strategy Support

At an early project stage we support you in making the right decisions on instrumentation and monitoring strategy. We provide you with a high-level instrumentation plan, a high-level monitoring strategy and associated costings.


Adaption and Calibration

During commissioning we adapt the monitoring models to the onsite parameters and conditions. After calibration the full floating wind farm monitoring is in operation and provides you with regular performance reports, real-time alerts and a dashboard for insight analytics.


Analytics & Integrity Management Support

After commissioning we provide you with design validation analytics, a risk-based inspection scheme, operational planning, predictive maintenance and a life-time monitoring of the asset. 

Do you want to boost your floating wind monitoring?

Get in touch with us to discuss how we can support your project stage with monitoring and O&M expertise. 

We are happy to learn more about your needs

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