Technical paper: The Adaption of Condition Monitoring Methodologies from Fixed Wind and Floating Oil and Gas to Floating Offshore Wind

Technical paper: The Adaption of Condition Monitoring Methodologies from Fixed Wind and Floating Oil and Gas to Floating Offshore Wind

Within our collaboration we have published first results of our approach at the OMAE 2023 conference in Melbourne, Australia.

The paper demonstrates the potential of reconstructed load signals, state-of-the-art sensors and first principles physics-
based digital twins using approaches from the Wind and Oil and Gas sectors. Existing motion-based integrity monitoring
methods are adapted to a real-time reduced-order model of a floating wind unit. Specifically, a state-observer model is used to
reproduce position and mooring tension, enabling mooring failure identification and fatigue tracking.
The methods are demonstrated through a 15 MW synthetic case study, including examination of the impact of noise and
sensor loss on reliability. The results show that the integration of digital twins into sensor-based monitoring systems can
reconstruct missing data with sufficient certainty to facilitate early detection of failures.

Reach out to learn more about the underlaying concept and our solution.

Here is the link to the paper.

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